So here we go again: Our original ultrasound was scheduled for January 22, but early that morning I got a call from the hospital saying that one of their techs had an emergency and they needed to reschedule. The next availability was the following Thursday at 9am. After crying for an hour and skipping my class that morning, everything seemed better. (Pregnancy hormones are crazy and I now find myself crying over the stupidest junk)
Thursday finally came and Michael and I headed to Tripler for the ultrasound. Of course, there was no parking available near the entrance we needed to use, so he dropped me off and went around to the other side of the building and found a parking spot in the most remote "lot" (aka patch of dirt) and met me in the Antipartum Diagnostic Center 20 minutes later. The ultrasound went very well, but I have to admit, it was wierd to feel and see the baby move on the screen. The tech started with the boring stuff: head, tummy, feet, legs; before moving on to the important parts: Princess Parts. That's right, if you don't already know, it's a Girl! Throughout the entire ultrasound she was moving and kicking up a storm. We even caught some kicking in a picture:

She was feet down and her favorite game to play that day (and still) was Let's See How Hard I Can Kick Mommy's Bladder! We were able to watch her kick and actually see my bladder depress each time she kicked. She also did not want us to take pics of her heart apparently, as she kept hiding it behind my belly button. Because of this, we had to go in for a second ultrasound last week to get better shots of her heart, but our midwife and the neonatologist who looked at the ultrasound pics said she looks healthy and perfect.
Since then, she has been kicking up a storm and moving all around. She has already discovered my ribs and a few other fun places to kick/punch/headbutt/whatever. Most of the time it's fun to feel her move and kick, but she has a tendency to pick the most innapropriate times to be active: bedtime, when I'm in class, worship and/or praying, talking with Michael.
Michael was laughing at me the other day when he was playing Aion (MMO game he's a part of online) and all of the sudden I said, "Would you stop that!" He replies with, "What?" "Not you! Amaya! She's kicking my ribs again and I need to concentrate on my sewing!"
Our next appointment is March 11 at which point I will be entering the third trimester! I can't believe how fast it's gone by!
1 comment:
Wow!! Yay!!! Congratulations :) I am glad she is healthy and that things are progressing nicely. I look forward to reading more and actually seeing her when she arrives.
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